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热系统 -美国hotwatt加热器

曲轴箱加热器Crankcase Heaters

rankcase Heaters曲轴箱加热器是一种电加热管,通常30-100W不等,工作时它与主机联动,主机工作时它停止,主机停止时它加热。它的作用是防止主机停止工作环境温度又很低时大量氟在曲轴箱凝结成液体且耐腐蚀,机组再次启动时因曲轴箱中有大量氟而造成油压无法建立等故障。


Crankcase heaters are used to overcome the problem of migration and condensation of refrigerant in the crankcases of compressors 
used in air conditioning and heat pump systems. They are designed to keep the crankcase oil at a temperature higher than the coldest 
part of the system to prevent migration.


  • Hotwatt Crankcase Heaters are constructed of the highest quality corrosion resistance materials and sealed against moisture.